Saturday, 23 November 2013


Lately i have been doing a lot of soul searching and trying to figure out the one question i hate

Who am I?

Well easy ones first i am a daughter, sister and a friend
What i can tell you about me is i am dreamer but a realistic. I follow my feet when i am lost and so far i always find my way. I whistle when i am happy but when i whistle it always seems to be the robin hood and little john tune :-) 
My family mean the world to me, where they are is where i will always be.
I love to write, this is my passion and my outlet.
I see the inner beauty of things other people say are ugly.
The smallest pleasures make me smile like the smell of a dew in the morning, the sight of a sunset and the sound of birds chirping in the morning. 
I am a lefty and do my ticks backwards i have always done this so please don't ask to change

Music is my muse 

I am a dreamer 

To me there is no limit

This is me so please don't ask me to be anything other then me 

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Well it is that time of year again, tis the season to be jolly. I know we have ages to go well 35 days, 9 hours, 33 mins to be exact but who's counting. I am! for some reason I am really looking forward to Christmas this year, I don't know if it because this year has made me realise how much family count and how so little time we possibly could have with our loved ones and to make everyday count.

Now this year has had it's fair share of ups and downs, sadly I lost my dear Grandad in August and it has left a huge void in my family but to bring some comfort it has brought my family closer.

Looking forward to 2014 I am going to make this the year that amazing things happen!

Best highlight of this year

HW5!!!!!! epic adventures, meeting new guests and seeing old friends

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Moving Forward

So lately I have been really struggling with my confidence and where I want to be, or thinking where should I be?
So moving forward a have joined a writer's website called FictionPress and starting to upload a few projects that I have been working on, on and off.
Please take a look at I really would love some honest constructive feedback so I can push forward and hopefully one day turn my writing in to something more, because it is one of my many passions in this world.