Sunday, 17 April 2011


Ok so I started out with only one tattoo but now I have eight and to be honest I would love more. However everyone keeps saying 'don't get anymore it looks to much' so my question is when do you know that enough is enough and you should stop tattooing. Is it when you have literally no skin left to ink or is it when people tell you enough?

Personally I think it is when I run out of skin because tattoos to me are a way of expressing yourself

Mum and Dad in chinese
Gecko - Always wanted a pet one and wasn't allowed so I got this instead
Claddagh design backed with a cross
I remembrance of my Great Nan Hilda Pout
The Latin says-
Love is the essence of Life

Along the top of my back it reads
'Tough times never last but tough people do'
To remember all the people who have struggled and fought in their lives and overcome so much

A few flowers to pretty up the cross turned in to huge mass of flowers
 Not finished yet tho will post more pictures when done

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