Saturday 6 August 2011

New Ink

I know I keep telling everyone that I am not getting anymore tattoos then I find a design or think of something new and I keep getting them. Today I had another two done one on my shoulder and one on my left foot and the one on my foot killed so far that is the worst place I have had tattooed

Here is my next possible design I have always loved dragons so check it out:

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness!!! more tattoos!!! very cute! :D
    i got the lego people from my giant lego sets, its the only way...unless you buy them on ebay?? thats what i might have a look into.
    ah was like for a week from 9am-1pm a clue would be put on the website, you had to answer the clue to get a chance to sign up early. don't worry though, you can sign up in october. :D
    can't wait to see you and hang out. xx
